Sunday, July 31, 2022

SIM card re-registration deadline extended to September 30.


The Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful

Sun, 31 Jul 2022Source:

The Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has announced that the deadline for the SIM card re-registration has been extended to September 30, 2022.

Addressing the media on Sunday the government appointee said she “reluctantly” extended the exercise which was scheduled to end on July 31, 2022.

The Minister said the extension had become necessary owing to challenges such as the delays in the rollout of a self-serving registration app as well as delays in the acquisition of Ghana Cards which is the mandatory document for the registration.

“Upon consultation with the industry and in view of the challenges enumerated above, I have very reluctantly decided to grant a final conditional extension.

"The pogramme will be extended to 30th September to end on the anniversary of its commencement. That will give us one full year of SIM registration to be reviewed at the end of this month and any SIM that has not been fully registered by the end of August will be barred from fully receiving certain services including voice and data services. It will also be more expensive to use unregistered SIMs. The full range of punitive measures will be announced at another press briefing in September,” the minister stated.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022



There has always being a loggerhead as to whether it is Good or Bad to eat cow skin. While some group of Scholars are of the opinion that edible cow skin (Wele) does not have any nutritional value!

However, this other Group of Scholars totally disagree with that statement but rather choose to qualify it this way; by saying cow skin has low nutritional value compared to other protein sources of meat.

 *The nutritional value 

A 100 grams of boiled, thick cow skin contains approximately 224.65 kcal energy, 46.9 g protein, 6.80 g carbohydrates, 1.09 g fat, approximately 43.9 g water, and 0.02 g fiber. For micronutrients, it contains iron (4.3 mg), calcium (61 mg), magnesium (12 mg), phosphorus (36 mg), and small amounts of zinc (6.79 mg).

Moreover, *wele*  still has something useful for the body since it contains skin-collagen and some amount of protein. So, *Wele* actually has something and will contribute little to your diet

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Ghana Doesn't need a vice president

The Majority Leader in Parliament and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, has made a case for a comprehensive amendment of the 1992 Republican Constitution with a view to making the supreme law of Ghana a pragmatic rather than dogmatic legal document capable of changing the paradigm of the country’s democratic prospects and development.

Delivering a lecture from the perspective of a legislator on a constitutional review in the Ashanti region, Mr. Osei Mensah Bonsu recommended Ghana’s adoption of the Westminster form of democracy that involves both a President and Prime Minister instead of the current system of a President and Vice President which has huge cost burden on the individual politician, political parties and national coffers.

The lecture was organised by the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST as part of activities commemorating its 70th anniversary.

The event, which was participated by members of the university’s community, some MPs, politicians, traditional leaders and a cross-section of the public, was on the theme: “Constitutional Review; The Perspective of a Legislator”.

Organisers of the lecture’s choice of the Speaker was based on his credential as one of the longest serving Members of Parliament and having risen through the various leadership structures of the House since 1997.

The Speaker, Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu’s presentation covered the entire 1992 Republican Constitution as the supreme law of the country spanning the Preamble to the Transitional provisions.

Touching on the Executive arm of government, the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs disclosed that recent research outcome has estimated the cost of a presidential campaign at ¢400 million while that of an individual parliamentary aspirant needs a similar huge financial commitment with a serious repercussions on the country’s fight against corruption.

In his view, Mr. Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu suggested the adoption of the Westminster system that will replace a Vice President with a Prime Minister to cut down costs. He also spoke about the size of government based on the lawful discretion of the President.

“There is one principal reason, as a nation, we are marking time. We are stuck because many of our ministers are not adding value to our governance, that’s the truth!…and hasn’t the time come for us to place in the Constitution an upper ceiling on the number of ministers of state that we should have?” he asked rhetorically.

On the legislature, the Majority Leader called for a constitutional provision spelling out clearly the qualifications and functions of an MP as well as the Speaker of Parliament as pertains to that of the local government.

On the matter of parliamentary immunity, Mr. Kyei Mensah Bonsu said the law as it is now leaves too much room for the offending MP, Speaker or Clerk of Parliament too much room and also contrary to the provision of ‘equality before the law’ in the Constitution.

He said, “In recent times, some Members of Parliament have had encounters with the law enforcement agencies. Previous Speakers have had a way around this. But lately, some wranglings have dominated the airwaves about witch hunting….yet, the law is no respecter of persons. How do we address this conundrum?” the Majority Leader quizzed.

The Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, touching on the functions of the Electoral Commission, called for a law that will check the creation of new Constituencies with a focus to make representation in Parliament commensurate with population quota to ensure fairness while addressing the present wanton creation of new constituencies.

Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu moved that the available Report of the Constitutional Review processes initiated by the Prof. Atta Mills government should be a guide to an eventual comprehensive amendment of the existing Constitution for the democratic process and national development.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: AFRICAN Giant Leader, President of Rwanda General Paul Kagame has ordered for immediate deportation of 18 Chinese nationals,

AFRICAN Giant Leader, President of Rwanda General Paul Kagame has ordered for immediate deportation of 18 Chinese nationals, "the 18 investors were found guilty of mistreating Rwandan workers and grubbing land on which they operated their business". President Kagame said.

Chinese investors exploited Rwandan people and also took advantage of them by making them work abnormal hours like slaves. "Africa is for Africans. We can't be slaves in Africa. We don't tolerate the nonsense of discrimination here" General Kagame added

"Rwanda is for Africans and those who mean well for us. I am directing the 18 Chinese investors to leave Rwanda immediately and must never return back. Rwandan people must enjoy their rights in their country. Let this be a lesson to the remaining Chinese investors" President Kagame warned

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022


For fear of being "damparized", Ghanaian prophets with exclusive access to Jesus Christ and his Father have for the first time since 1957 abstained from releasing their doom prophesies about high profile personalities as they usually do during 'All Night Service' of 31st December every year. This unprecedented moment comes on the back of a directive by the George Akuffo Dampare-led Ghana Police Service to religious leaders, particularly prophets a few days ago cautioning them on pronouncements/prophesies which have the tendency of causing fear and alarm, contrary to Section 208 of the Criminal Offenses Act, 1960 (Act 29).

Anybody who has closely monitored the airwaves (Radio, TV and Social Media) from last night till this morning will agree with me that it (airwaves) has been sanitized -- we've been spared the usual "Pray for President A, former President B, Honorable C, Chief D, Imam E, Musician F, otherwise they'll die in a few weeks" etc.

I hear some of these prophets who always had their radar on Ghana have for the first time crossed border to neighbouring West African countries ostensibly to avoid incurring the wrath of the Police. Isn't that intriguing? As Opoofo puts it, "A prophet who fear jail, is that one too a prophet?" Gracious me!

For the avoidance of doubt and purposes of this piece, it's worth mentioning that yours truly believes in prophesies, however, I'm unable to wrap my head around the modus operandi of most of these prophets who only appear to 'see' and prophesy on 31st December night, and not any other. 

To put it mildly, it doesn't make sense to me why genuine prophets have to pile their prophesies for the year and release them on a single night, as if to say they were preparing a company's yearly account balance sheet. For me, that's tantamount to religious populism and emotional exploitation of innocent souls. 

At the risk of sounding blasphemous, l dare say most of these self-acclaimed prophets engage in prediction, and not prophesies. They don't see "shele." For example, what's so strange about a bedridden 80-year man or woman dying? Yet, these charlatans make it look as though it's a revelation given to them by God.

Going forward in 2022, l pray that the Almighty God, creator of the universe and Seer of the seers, opens each and everyone's eye to be able to pray and see for themselves things which are hidden in the spirit so we're all spared this ordeal. And all believers shall say Amen.

Sir-Obama Pokuase

No. 345 Baobab Street

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Bella is back for her first solo studio song Mants3 ji Bo, arriving nearly a full 3 years after Last Year Was Complicated. 
Having worked mostly with Gospel legend Celestine Donkor as backing vocalist, this time around Bella locked in to work exclusively with producer Caleb of HighPriest studios this time around. Along with great instrumentalist, she dropped a video for the title track, which you can watch below..

Popularly known as Isabella Darko has been working overtime. She primed this new song by making an appearance on ICGC Destiny temple back in January as a musical guest. All the while, she’s been finishing the song, which she broke down into four distinct segments of distance, indulgence, euphoria, and commitment...In a live video section on her social media pages, Bella admonished her loyal and ever growing fans to be relentless in pursuit of their dreams and never to waiver in their trust in God. As she hopes this song will bring comfort and hope.

Download the Audio Below