Saturday, January 1, 2022


For fear of being "damparized", Ghanaian prophets with exclusive access to Jesus Christ and his Father have for the first time since 1957 abstained from releasing their doom prophesies about high profile personalities as they usually do during 'All Night Service' of 31st December every year. This unprecedented moment comes on the back of a directive by the George Akuffo Dampare-led Ghana Police Service to religious leaders, particularly prophets a few days ago cautioning them on pronouncements/prophesies which have the tendency of causing fear and alarm, contrary to Section 208 of the Criminal Offenses Act, 1960 (Act 29).

Anybody who has closely monitored the airwaves (Radio, TV and Social Media) from last night till this morning will agree with me that it (airwaves) has been sanitized -- we've been spared the usual "Pray for President A, former President B, Honorable C, Chief D, Imam E, Musician F, otherwise they'll die in a few weeks" etc.

I hear some of these prophets who always had their radar on Ghana have for the first time crossed border to neighbouring West African countries ostensibly to avoid incurring the wrath of the Police. Isn't that intriguing? As Opoofo puts it, "A prophet who fear jail, is that one too a prophet?" Gracious me!

For the avoidance of doubt and purposes of this piece, it's worth mentioning that yours truly believes in prophesies, however, I'm unable to wrap my head around the modus operandi of most of these prophets who only appear to 'see' and prophesy on 31st December night, and not any other. 

To put it mildly, it doesn't make sense to me why genuine prophets have to pile their prophesies for the year and release them on a single night, as if to say they were preparing a company's yearly account balance sheet. For me, that's tantamount to religious populism and emotional exploitation of innocent souls. 

At the risk of sounding blasphemous, l dare say most of these self-acclaimed prophets engage in prediction, and not prophesies. They don't see "shele." For example, what's so strange about a bedridden 80-year man or woman dying? Yet, these charlatans make it look as though it's a revelation given to them by God.

Going forward in 2022, l pray that the Almighty God, creator of the universe and Seer of the seers, opens each and everyone's eye to be able to pray and see for themselves things which are hidden in the spirit so we're all spared this ordeal. And all believers shall say Amen.

Sir-Obama Pokuase

No. 345 Baobab Street

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